The holiday season is upon us and bakers all over the country are scrambling to make sure their bakeries are ready to ramp up production to keep up with the increasing demand. The holiday season means cookie demand will skyrocket and bakers will need to make sure they are properly equipped to produce batch after batch of quality cookies. Any baker will tell you that producing cookies at a high volume isn’t just about having a great recipe, but about having the right equipment. One of the most important pieces of equipment for cookie production is the dough mixer.
When choosing the best bakery mixer for holiday cookie production, there are a variety of factors to keep in mind. Not just any mixer is capable of producing the quality of cookie dough needed during the busy holiday season. Here are some things to consider when choosing the perfect bakery mixer for your bakery.
Pretty simple. Is your mixer capable of mixing at a capacity that is conducive to the amount of cookies you will need to make? This isn’t the time of year for small batches so capacity is very important. Mixers come in a variety of different capacity sizes so you need to make sure the mixer you are considering is up to the task.
To read the rest of the article, please go to: Empire Bakery Equipment