Choosy Kids Choose Whole Grains

“My kids are picky eaters. They won’t eat whole grains.” Parents who make that assumption may want to rethink things, thanks to new research from the University of Florida, showing kids are quick to gobble up tasty whole grain choices.

To carry out the research, Allyson Radford (a graduate student at the time) paired up with two faculty members, assistant professor Wendy Dahl and professor Bobbi Langkamp-Henken, in the University’s food science and human nutrition department. Kids and their families were given a variety of whole-grain or refined-grain foods for home consumption, including pasta, rice, and bread, and were supplied with whole- or refined-grain snacks at school. 

The end result? Kids paid little attention to whether the foods were made from whole or refined grains, as long as they found them tasty.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Oldways Preservation Trust/Whole Grains Council