CEO Insights: BEMA Convention 2024 Reflection

Convention is over…it’s a wrap on the biggest BEMA Convention to date. That statement always makes me feel a little sad. Make no mistake, preparing for Convention is a huge job, and the BEMA team is always somewhat relieved when it’s over. It does mean a few more hours of sleep each night and the unavoidable unpacking of the suitcases and “shoe-cases”.   

The end of Convention also means we all go home after spending the week with our baking family, catching up, sharing milestones, and examining what the future holds for our industry. It’s a whirlwind week of making new memories with great people and conducting business in an environment made to do so.  

Convention Designed for Everyone

The BEMA team works to design Convention to be beneficial for everyone. We start the week a mix of first-timers, middle-timers, and old-timers.  This year’s convention we were able to collectively experience our inspirational keynote speaker, Alex Weber, and insightful baking industry panels where the content was powerful.   

To read the rest of the story, please go to: BEMA