PASADENA, CA – Reality in 2020 is complicated, and the global pandemic has played a central role in disrupting millions of lives around the world. In many cases, Americans have simplified parts of their lives and taken up hobbies that provide much needed respite. Baking, which is one of humankind’s oldest arts, affords people the opportunity to prepare foods that can be simple and easy, or experimental and complex. Through these trying times, home baking is being embraced by more US consumers than in recent history, as it provides some much-needed “warmth” to families and bread lovers across the United States.
Done alone, or with someone special, baking can yield hours of joy that begin the moment that ingredients are chosen, and they last through to that slice of the day where you taste your first bite. An easy smile could surely follow, either because that freshly baked boule came out perfectly, or because the rookie artisan baker realized their bread was so bad that they couldn’t help but laugh!
How different, though, is home baking when compared to the bakeries that bring you the myriad of loaves found in bread aisles across America? When comparing home baking with industrial and commercial baking, there are glaring differences in approach and requirements. Mistakes at the industrial level are no laughing matter, while home baking allows for more “nuanced” results. All in all, home baking is a fun challenge, ranging from choosing the right yeast to mastering a specific process and even understanding a home kitchen’s ambient conditions.
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