April Grain Of The Month Series: Sprouted Grains

April’s Grain of the Month is not technically one grain, but a category of grains – sprouted grains – which are popping up on the scene more and more often. Sprouted grains are simply whole grain kernels that have begun to germinate, producing a tiny plant shoot. It’s this tiny change in the seed that produces large nutritional changes.

Supporters of sprouted grains argue that, in addition to all of the widely known health benefits of whole grains, sprouted grains have the added benefit of being more easily digestible. Our friends at To Your Health Sprouted Flour Co. state that, “when grains are sprouted they are converted into a living food with more vital nutrients which are more readily absorbed by the body. Sprouting also increases B vitamins in the grain, especially B1, 2, 3, and 5. Biotin, folic acid and vitamin C also increase. Sprouting also aids in the absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc.”  Want to know more? Check out the many health studies on our website that explore the plusses of sprouted grains.

With all of these added benefits, it’s no wonder that more and more manufacturers are trying their hands at sprouting grains. You can find numerous products on the market now made with sprouted grain flours, or buy intact sprouted grains from companies, including many Whole Grains Council member companies who are excited to be exploring this new territory.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Oldways Preservation Trust/Whole Grains Council