American Bakers Association Announces Powerhouse Keynote Speakers for 2024 Convention

Washington, DC – From April 14-17, 2024, The American Bakers Association’s Convention in Scottsdale, AZ, will feature a dynamic lineup of speakers addressing the forefront of innovation and leadership in the commercial baking industry.

“This year, we’re excited to welcome Erik Qualman and Ben Nemtin, two influential speakers who will bring invaluable insights to the diverse baking and supplier executives attending the Convention,” said ABA President and CEO Eric Dell. “These leaders will set the tone for an inspiring, forward-looking Convention that will amplify ABA’s new strategic goals and help the industry continue to grow and serve their communities.”

Erik Qualman: Spearheading Digital Transformation
On April 14, business sessions will begin with Erik Qualman, a renowned futurist, author, and speaker. In his keynote, “Digital Transformation: The Future of Innovation & Growth,” Erik will delve into the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing customer experiences and streamlining operations, particularly in the commercial baking sector. 

Erik’s book, Socialnomics, has garnered national attention from news outlets like 60 Minutes and The Wall Street Journal. Various organizations have also utilized his materials, from media giants like NBCUniversal to space exploration leaders like NASA. His bestselling books and top-tier teaching stints at institutions like Harvard and MIT have solidified his status as a visionary in the digital age.

Ben Nemtin: Redefining Leadership and Workforce Connection
The following morning, Ben Nemtin, #1 New York Times bestselling author and inspirational leader, will address critical topics such as talent recruitment and retention. An acclaimed speaker, his session, “Leading with Purpose: Leadership for Today,” will focus on contemporary workforce challenges. He will examine how leaders can harness empathy to unlock potential and highlight the transformative impact on teams who feel genuinely supported in their personal and professional growth.

Ben’s insights into fostering strong company cultures and nurturing team commitment are particularly vital for today’s baking industry employers. Recognized as one of the world’s top organizational culture thought leaders, Ben’s unique approach to leadership has earned accolades from the highest levels, including praise from Oprah Winfrey.

“The ABA Convention is a confluence of ideas, networking, and growth opportunities. Erik’s expertise in digital transformation and AI will challenge us to innovate, while Ben’s focus on leadership and team engagement is crucial for our industry’s growth and adaptability. Their combined perspectives will equip our members with the tools needed to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market,” said Dell. 

For more information and to register for the 2024 ABA Convention, please visit this link.