With the election of Donald Trump, and a slightly narrower Republican majority in Congress, official Washington and the national punditocracy is both stunned and clamoring to find meaning in the election results. There is one simple takeaway from the recent election: the majority of Americans are frustrated with the lack of progress on the economy and feel as though Washington is ignoring their concerns. Given the choice between an extreme outside candidate and a candidate with over 30 years of public service, the outcome should not surprise anyone. American voters have a long history of shaking things up about once a generation.
The question now turns to this: what does the election outcome mean for the baking industry? While it is too early to look at specific policies, clearly President-elect Trump and Republican leaders in Congress will be focused on jump-starting the economy. They know all too well that American voters didn’t buy the Republican brand, but are giving Republicans the keys to the country with the expectation of getting the economy working again.
A broad agenda is already starting to take shape, including:
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