ABA Pleased With 2010 Dietary Guidelines Report Emphasizing Enriched & Whole Grains In A Healthy Diet

“ABA is pleased with the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee report language addressing both enriched and whole grains as part of a healthy lifestyle,” stated ABA President and CEO Robb MacKie. “However, the discussion surrounding so-called refined grains will lead to further consumer confusion.”

MacKie said that in an initial review of the report, ABA noted confusing language regarding folic acid enrichment of whole grains. The Report states, “Because whole grain foods are not always fortified with folic acid, individuals who consume mainly whole grains in their dietary patterns should ensure that some of these whole grains are fortified to achieve dietary folate recommendations.” Under the current standards of identity, only enriched grains and cereals may be enriched with folic acid.

“It is critical that the report be clarified to avoid confusion by consumers,” said MacKie. “As the report correctly points out, enriched grains are the primary source of folic acid in Americans’ diets and have been shown to significantly reduce the incidence of specific types of neural tube defects and may have other health benefits.”

ABA, on its own, as well as part of the larger grain chain, has actively engaged in the Dietary Guidelines review process.

“The complex carbohydrates in bread and other grain-based foods, both whole and enriched, provide essential fuel the body needs,” stated ABA Senior Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs Lee Sanders. “ABA will continue to serve as a resource to the Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services to develop meaningful Dietary Guidelines for Americans that are based on sound science, are practical, and are understandable for the public.”

Source: American Bakers Association