The more optimistic prognosticators predicted something similar to President Clinton’s model of reaching compromise to achieve a few key accomplishments while continuing to push on a number of other fronts a more ideological agenda. Some even hoped that the President would coast into retirement.
Any hopes that the President would coast the next two years or work on serious accomplishments were loudly and defiantly squashed in the State of the Union address. The President challenged the now Republican controlled Congress to pass many of his yet unfulfilled 2008 campaign promises and even threw a few more onto the pile. It was clear that the audience to whom the President was speaking was not Congress, nor the American people, but to the heads of federal agencies who seek to control wide swaths of business today through regulatory fiat.
So what does the macro political environment mean to bakers? Unfortunately it means at least two more years of trying to convince regulators to follow well-established science and medical data or common sense. It means educating regulators of the financial and operational impact their decisions have on the 600k skilled employees in the industry. It means more requests for engagement, data and information from the industry and its partners. It means more aggressive outreach to allies within agencies and on Capitol Hill.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: American Bakers Association