Kroger Launches Traceable Salads With HarvestMark

October 29, 2009 Miz Nakajima, HarvestMark

Krogers new line of fresh salads enables customers to learn the origin of the produce through exclusive technology.

Foster Farms Celebrates Over 20 Years of Holiday Turkey Helpline

October 29, 2009 Foster Farms

Consumers count on Foster Farms Turkey Helpline experts and web resources for step-by-step cooking instructions, creative recipes, and holiday entertaining tips.

Maine Lobster Chef Of The Year 2009 Crowned

Mackenzie Arrington earned the title of Maine Lobster Chef of the Year today withhis dish of Roasted Lobster Tail on Braised Cabbage and Cornbread.

OnTrace And OIMP Collaborate On Pilot To Advance Meat Traceability

October 28, 2009 OnTrace

OnTrace Agri-food Traceability and the Ontario Independent Meat Processors (OIMP) association are collaborating on the first traceability pilot project between OnTrace and the food processing industry with the goal of improving processed meat traceability.traceability..

MidAmerica To Add Second Flight Of Fresh Flowers By End Of Year

In an effort to build traffic and revenue, MidAmerica plans to add its second weekly flight of fresh flowers from Bogot, Colombia by the end of the year.