BJs Wholesale Club Reports October Sales Results

Sales for October 2009 increased by 3.5% to $764.7 million from $738.9 million in October 2008.

Six Ls Packing Get Florida Harvest Underway

Six Ls Packing will be harvesting over 16,000 acres of Florida tomatoes, watermelons, green peppers, potatoes, cucumbers, squash, jalapeos and eggplant.

Mann Packing Partners With Gourmet Garden Herbs & Spices

The promotion will offer shoppers a saving of $0.55 off any tube of Gourmet Garden Herbs & Spices with the purchase of a 2-pound bag of Manns Broccoli Wokly.

Frieda’s Founder Shares Books For Cooks

November 4, 2009 Hazel Kelly, Frieda's Inc.

Frieda Caplan, founder of Friedas Specialty Produce, and Russ Parsons, Los Angeles Times Food Editor, signed books and shared cooking tips and foodie stories at the Peninsula Center Library in Palos Verdes, California.

Food Lion Executive Eric Watson Wins Diversity Award

Company receives honorable mention for The Diversity Forum’s trailblazer