David Austin English Roses: CA Grown, Vase Ready And Delivered To Your Door

Demand from brides and flower lovers yearning for bouquets of peony-sized
English roses prompted the grower to develop a specialty cut-flower program.
Fifteen years in development, Cut Garden Roses by David Austin has just launched
nationwide with door-to-door-delivery by FedEx.

Smith Brothers Farms Adds The Greek Gods Yogurt To Its Product Offering

November 11, 2009 The Greek Gods

Independent retail delivery companies continue to make strides as The Greek Gods Yogurt partners announced that its yogurt will be now be carried by Smith Brothers Farms, a thriving dairy and home delivery service that brings quality products to more than 40,000 customers in Puget Sound.

Great Market Growth Expected For Anti-Aging Snacks

Researchers with Leatherhead Food Research claim that, to date, commercial product activity in food and drinks that prevent or reduce age-related disease has been fairly imited, but they note relatively high levels of activity in cookies and snacks, even if the market remains small and fragmented.

Consumers Want High-Quality, Branded Beef

Research from West Texas A&M University showed nearly half of consumers surveyed put beef as their No. 1 protein choice, and 97% indicated they ate beef between one and 12 times each week. 70% of the population indicating they preferred upper Choice or higher. Results also indicate 56% of consumers were willing to pay a premium for all-natural products like CAB brand Natural. However, it also indicated consumers were unsure of the true meaning behind a natural label.

Shoebuy.com Leverages Successful E-Commerce Platform, Launches FloraFlora.com

November 10, 2009 Shoebuy.com

One of the largest retailers of footwear and related apparel on the Internet is redefining the floral industry with the launch of FloraFlora.com guaranteeing the freshest floral arrangements and eliminates delivery charges and hidden fees.