Torregio Holds Crumbly Lemony Core

Torregio reminds me a lot of Salva. The former is cylindrical and matured for six months, the latter square and much younger, but the taste confirms a family resemblance. If you're an Italian cheese enthusiast, Torregio may also strike you as all but identical to Arrigoni's Roccolo. Bravo. Two points.

CFIA: Undeclared Wheat In Piller's Sub Pac Classic & Sliced Pepperoni

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Piller's Fine Foods are warning people with allergies to wheat and / or sensitivity to gluten not to serve or consume Piller's brand Sub Pac Classic and Sliced Pepperoni products described below. The affected products contain wheat which is not declared on the label.

Absence Of A Farm Bill Could Quickly Affect Dairy Consumers Nationwide

With milk prices low and feed costs high, the folks at Greenbacker Dairy Farm in Durham have found themselves receiving some financial assistance over the past several months, along with dairies across the country, in the form of a federal farm subsidy.

Nutrient-Rich Milk Plays Key Role In A Healthy Vegetarian Diet

October 22, 2012 National Milk Mustache

Experts agree that a well-planned vegetarian diet can be healthful and nutritious but vegetarians need to pay particular attention to protein, iron, calcium, zinc, and vitamin B12 in their diets, according to the nation's nutrition advice, MyPlate. Millions of vegetarians turn to milk for many of these key nutrients – including protein, calcium and vitamin B12.

Consumption Of Cheese & Fermented Dairy Associated With Lower Diabetes Risk

October 22, 2012 Dairy Research Institute

A large prospective study involving eight European countries investigated the association of total dairy product consumption and different types of dairy products with the incidence of type 2 diabetes.