Alaska King & Snow Crab Fishing Open In Bristol Bay & The Bering Sea

October 22, 2012 Alaska Seafood

Today the State of Alaska officially opens the 2012/2013 harvest season for Bristol Bay red king crab, St. Matthew Island blue king crab, and Bering Sea snow crab, three legendary and sought-after varieties of seafood. Together, the Bering Sea snow crab and Bristol Bay red king crab fisheries typically account for over 75 percent of Alaska’s crab harvest (in ex-vessel value terms).

Gorton's Celebrates National Seafood Month With 20 Options At 200 Calories Or Less

October 22, 2012 Gorton's Seafood

With October being National Seafood Month, now is the perfect time to explore the many varieties that Gorton’s has to offer. And, to encourage consumers to try some of their many tempting seafood items, Gorton’s is giving away free seafood for the entire month of October!

New Zealand Scientist Breeds Mussels For Flavor

October 22, 2012 Michelle Sutton, Nelson Mail

Different coloured mussels, with varied flavours, more meat, and a softer texture, are being bred in Nelson and could end up in stores.

Americans Considering A Twist On The Turkey Tradition

October 22, 2012 Echelon Foods

When American families sit down to give thanks each year it’s usually over a basic turkey that might be roasted or stuffed with a variety of ingredients with accompanying sauces integrated with family additions that are unique, such as bacon rolls, or cranberry sauce, or even a side of chilies.

Beef Recall Left Edmonton’s XL Foods No Choice But To Sell: Experts

The threat to Canada’s beef industry from E. coli was underscored this week when one of its biggest players was toppled in the wake of the largest meat recall in the nation’s history.