Ethiopia Claims Ever-Larger Role In International Flower Trade

Over the past few years the Ethiopian flower export has shown a substantial increase, resulting in many thousands of new job opportunities as well as growing foreign exchange earnings. Flowers have in fact become the second most important Ethiopian export product, rivaled only by the trade in coffee.

Exports as a whole have grown immensely in the horn-of-Africa country, but fresh flowers are certainly taking the cake. The Ethiopians have earned more than 250 million dollars from flower exports in the last ten months alone, according to Agriculture and Rural Development State Minister Aberra Deressa.

That is only the beginning, as far as the Ethiopian government is concerned. Further expansion of the production of flowers, fruits and vegetables for export is in the works. Although Kenya remains the major flower exporter on the continent as it stands, a number of investors have already made the switch to Ethiopia. The financial incentives the government offers play a significant role in that decision, and will likely ensure the continuing growth of the Ethiopian flower industry. A growth that currently significantly outpaces that of rival Kenya already.

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