It may not be the most easily stolen item in the store, but it’s still one of the most-stolen.
The item to which we refer, is meat.
Meat used to be lower down on the most-stolen list, with over-the-counter medications containing pseudoephedrine (one of the crucial ingredients in crystal meth production) in its place. But after law enforcement cracked down in 2005 on meth-making and laws were passed requiring stores to move those medicines off shelves accessible to shoppers, meat moved up in some rankings, nearing the top spot.
Reports have shown meat thieves to have extravagant tastes — apparently, the Certified Angus brand is popular with shoplifters. And they like to pair it with a nice cheese, as evidence has appeared that pricier varieties, such as Parmesan, disappear at the hands of the sticky-fingered quite frequently.
How exactly do large, unwieldy cuts of meat get burgled, you ask?
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