Two California seafood processing facilities, one making corn clam chowder in Irvine, and the other preparing tuna and mahi-mahi in Bell, recently received warning letters from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Village Green Foods Inc.'s chowder and R&P Seafood Corp.'s tuna and mahi-mahi were being made without seafood Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plans, according to the FDA warning letters.
In an Aug 9 warning letter to Village Green Foods, FDA said the Irvine seafood processor does not list botulism and allergens as food safety hazards in its plan. It said the company promised to provide a revised plan in its written response to the FDA inspection observations, but has not done so.
The corn clam chowder is packaged in oxygen-impermeable plastic bags. FDA is concerned about adequate cooking times and temperatures and wants the company to do 24/7 monitoring and recording.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Food Safety News.