Some Arizona Schools To Install Fresh Healthy Vending

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Sept. 2, 2010 — Fresh Healthy Vending, the leading provider of healthy vending machines and products has secured placement for their healthy vending machines on the campuses of several Scottsdale schools; offering an all-natural alternative to traditional vending products which are usually high in calories, sugars, and fats. This is yet another indication that the nationwide push for healthier foods in schools outlined under the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act has reached Arizona. These Arizona schools will be among the first in the state to take advantage of healthy vending machines, and their students will be the first to reap the benefits of Fresh Healthy Vending's all-natural and organic products.

Tom Lavin is the Anthem, Arizona, businessman responsible for the franchise in Scottsdale. His expectations are high concerning his Fresh Healthy Vending franchise's potential effect on his community.

"One way we expect to impact the community is by increasing awareness. We want people to know that there are healthy options. It's great that Fresh Healthy Vending has made it so easy to bring this system into the schools because I think that awareness is where it is most important."

Childhood obesity is reaching record levels in the United States and many schools are taking action to combat the trend, partnering with programs like First Lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move!" initiative. In addition, the United States Senate recently moved to unanimously pass the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act: a $4.5 billion dollar effort to enact sweeping changes in school foodservice.

One of the main targets of these programs has been the removal of junk food in traditional vending machines which are located on school campuses. Danielle Christakos is President of the Parent Teacher Association at Rancho Solano Private School, a school that will to be home to one of the new machines.

"It's really something that we need to have in the school. Some of these kids are here for almost 12 hours, and we need to make sure that they have access to healthy snack options. The other stuff you see in vending machines; chips, sodas, candy… that shouldn't have a place at the school," she said.

Jolly Backer, CEO of Fresh Healthy Vending, explained how the machines his company has placed are designed to be successful in the school locations where they are now operating.

"We developed the product menus in our machines specifically for the target audiences in the schools that they are placed in. The products all meet or exceed nutrition guidelines, and we have over 300 products for the school market and all are tested to make sure they meet the highest standards. A big part of that development is making sure that we have these machines stocked with foods that kids like. Taste is imperative because kids are picky. Just because a food is healthy doesn't mean it can't taste good. The kids love our products so much they forget that they are eating healthy alternatives," he said.

The Fresh Healthy Vending Machines are being placed at 3 Scottsdale schools this month: Rancho Solano Private School, Jess Schwartz Academy, and Pardes Jewish Day School. According to Fresh Healthy Vending CEO, Jolly Backer, the company is awaiting contracts for placement in other area schools before the end of the year.

Source: Fresh Healthy Vending