When an organization wants to raise money, the first calls are often to restaurants. After all, nothing loosens people's purse strings like the winning combination of good food, good drink and a good cause.
Whether it's the Sprout Fund's annual Hothouse event, an intimate dinner for a few dozen donors or just a couple of gift cards for a school raffle, many Pittsburgh restaurants (and other food establishments) give generously of their time, their food and their expertise.
Last weekend, restaurant participants helped draw a few thousand people to the Sprout Fund's Hothouse Maximum Fun party on Saturday night and the Rachel Carson Sustainable Feast on Sunday afternoon. Tonight, hundreds more will gather at the SouthSide Works for the fifth annual Savor Pittsburgh, a food-focused event that raises thousands of dollars every year for the American Respiratory Alliance of Western Pennsylvania.
Without donations from restaurants, these events wouldn't be possible. But there are also positive benefits for the restaurants. Not only do they enjoy the opportunity to support a good cause, they have the chance to connect with new customers in a meaningful, memorable way.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Photo by Rebecca Droke, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette