Experience Mootopia At A Newsstand Near You

SAN CLEMENTE, CA – By now, California audiences may have already peeked through the land of Mootopia on television and online and starting in September, they can also find this milk-filled fantasy world gracing the pages of beauty magazines. The California Milk Processor Board, the creator of GOT MILK?, touts the beauty benefits of drinking milk by placing print ads in People, Self, Glamour and Seventeen. The ads feature Mootopia, a world where milk flows profusely through streams and waterfalls and its citizens, the Mootopians, are exceptionally perfect with strong muscles, great teeth and shiny, healthy hair — all because of the wonders of milk.

"We hope magazine readers will become aware of the beauty powers of milk," says Steve James, executive director of the CMPB. "Beauty comes from the inside out, and with a good diet of nutritional foods such as milk, you give your body the foundation it needs for natural beauty to shine through."

Produced by longtime advertising partner San Francisco-based Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, three print ads demonstrate the benefits of drinking milk for better sleep and for strong muscles and hair. All ads carry the ubiquitous GOT MILK? tagline and the campaign's website www.visitmootopia.com.

The hair ad, for example, shows two Mootopians, waist-deep in a beautiful lake of milk, with the woman's beautiful flowing hair blowing on the man's face. The text of the ad reads, "Three glasses of milk a day could help give you stronger, healthier hair. Healthy Hair. No one is safe from it in Mootopia."

The ad for strong muscles shows a lean, muscular Mootopian man holding a glass of chocolate milk in one hand and an entire uprooted rosebush in the other, offering it to his Mootopian girlfriend. The copy reads, "A glass of chocolate milk could help rebuild your muscles faster. Strong Muscles. Get used to them in Mootopia."

The third ad shows a woman gracefully sleeping by a cow in the lush countryside, an empty glass of milk at her side. She's dreaming about herself sleeping by a cow in the lush countryside! It educates consumers about the sleep benefit of milk with the text, "A glass of milk before bed could help you get to dreamland sooner. Better Sleep. Just another day in Mootopia."

"The ads have been designed in lush, beautiful detail to catch the attention of consumers," says James. "Milk is not a flashy product. It's white and comes in a plain carton or jug. The ads, however, bring about the essence of the beauty benefits of milk with a romantic feel."

To support the print spots, the CMPB also launched the Web site www.visitmootopia.com . When online users log on, they will be introduced to the world of Mootopia where Web surfers can view the TV spots as well as play various games to highlight milk benefits for strong muscles, teeth and hair. The site will be periodically updated with fun tidbits about Mootopia and visitors will also have an opportunity to receive online offers. It also links you to a Facebook game where users are able to experience the world of Mootopia first hand, while learning about the health benefits of milk. Web surfers can adopt their own Mootopian avatars by answering personality questions. Each avatar starts out as a toddler and grows up to become an adult, based on how engaged the user is to playing the game and of course, drinking milk.

For more information on the Mootopia campaign, go to www.visitmootopia.com.

About the CMPB

The California Milk Processor Board was established in 1993 to make milk more competitive and increase milk consumption in California. Awareness of GOT MILK? is over 90% nationally and it is considered one of the most important and successful campaigns in history. GOT MILK? is a federally registered trademark that has been licensed by the national dairy boards since 1995. The CMPB's Spanish-language campaign began in 1994 using the tagline "Familia, Amor y Leche" (Family, Love and Milk). The TOMA LECHE (Drink Milk) campaign replaced it in 2006, following a growing trend in Hispanic food advertising that uses wit and humor to reach audiences. GOT MILK? gifts and recipes can be viewed at www.gotmilk.com and www.tomaleche.com. The CMPB is funded by all California milk processors and administered by the California Department of Food and Agriculture.

Source: California Milk Processor Board