International Balloon Association Declares September International Balloon Month!

Manufacturers, Distributors, Retailers, Entertainers, and Decorators will benefit from increased awareness of balloons and increased sales. It will take every member of the industry to get involved to make this a successful initiative that we can build on each year.

HERE IS THE CHALLENGE: Find unique ways to promote September as International Balloon Month. Then report back, tell us what you did and what kind of results you had.

· Manufacturers: The balloon and accessory manufacturers will run special pricing on select balloon styles and accessories and those special prices will carry all the way through to the distributor and retail level.

· Twisters, Clowns and Entertainers: International Balloon Month is a great reason to call on customers and to book gigs. Create a spectacle! How bout a Youtube video? We are counting on you to shake things up!

· Decorators: Why not deliver bouquets to local TV news stations, radio stations and newspapers? Put out a press release…..get some attention for your company!

· Distributors: Get your customers involved by offering sales and promotions during September. How creative can you be?

· Retailers: Put up signs, wear buttons, involve store associates, create a special event, get your customers excited and sell more balloons!

No matter what area of the industry you are in you can take the challenge and promote September as International Balloon Month. Balloons are perfect for any occasion and if there is no occasion they are perfect for making someone smile.

The IBA has created electronic artwork for you to use for signage and you can personalize it. We’ll also be making buttons with the slogan “Put a Smile on Someone’s Face~ Celebrate International Balloon Month”. You can download graphics here.

Once the month is over e-mail your stories and pictures to Marty@, Party and Paper Magazine ( ) and Balloon HQ (

We can each learn from each other’s successes, laugh at each other’s fumbles, start the buzz, begin the momentum, and expand this campaign every year.

The dairy council might “Got Milk” but they sure don’t have a month devoted to celebrating it. The Balloon and Party Industry will have an entire month and the whole world to celebrate along with us.

DO YOU ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE? We can’t wait to see what you come up with! We know you’ll have some great stories to share. Go forth, have fun and help make September- International Balloon month! For more information please call 866-413-7358.

Source: International Balloon Association