NEW YORK — KFC's Double Down, an uber-fried bacon-and-cheese mega-sandwich with chicken instead of bread, has not been a big hit with fast foodies.
The Double Down created a news feeding frenzy when KFC, owned by Yum Brands Inc., launched the sandwich on April 12. The company has sold 10 million of the sandwiches, according to KFC spokesman Rick Maynard. But in the company's earnings call Wednesday, Chief Financial Officer Rich Carucci referred to sales of the sandwich as "immaterial."
The product's distinguishing factor is that it's "bunless," in the words of the company, meaning that bacon and cheese are sandwiched between chicken filets instead of bread. The company said it would donate the "unneeded" buns to food banks.
"It was a talked-about product, there's no doubt about that," said Yum Brands chief executive David Novak, in the earnings call. "It's a big eat."
To read the rest of the story, please go to: CNN.
Photo courtesty of KFC