Louisiana Bayou Life Is In Jeopardy

Louisiana – At first glance, everything appears normal on the bayou where Emile Trudeau has been coming to fish, shrimp and crab since he was a boy.

Porgy and garfish jump from the brackish waters, schools of minnows hurry by and wiggling crabs float by Trudeau's dock.

But look a bit closer and an iridescent film of oil is visible in standing water — a sign that life in this part of the world has inexorably changed.

"It's just heart-breaking," said the 69-year-old Trudeau. "They don't realize what they've done to this place."

"They" is BP Plc (BP.N)(BP.N), the British-based global energy company whose devastating spill has been gushing oil into the Gulf of Mexico since late April. While a new containment cap may offer a chance to staunch the flow, those who live on the bayou say it is already too late.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Reuters.