Many Americans Clueless Of Calorie Requirements

Most people don't know their own number.

That is, they don't know how many calories they should consume in a day to maintain their current weight, a nationally representative online survey of 1,024 people shows.

In fact, 63% can't accurately estimate the number, 25% won't even venture a guess and only 12% can nail it.

"People need to know their numbers," says registered dietitian Wendy Reinhardt Kapsak of the International Food Information Council Foundation, an education group supported by the food, beverage and agricultural industries. The foundation paid for the survey.

Having some frame of reference could be an important first step in tackling your weight, she says. "There is confusion on all sides of the calorie equation. People don't know how many calories they should consume in a day, and even more are unclear how many they burn."

To read the rest of the story, please go to: USA Today.

Photo by Ed Ou, Associated Press