Michigan Shop Rite Cuts Energy Use

VASSAR, MI — A Vassar grocery store is taking a new approach to showcase and store things like eggplant, frozen perogi and deli meat — and saving energy costs along the way.

The Central Shop Rite supermarket has transformed into a “green” grocer with new, ultra-efficient freezer, refrigeration and lighting components.

Share James Haines, owner of the Central Shop Rite, 500 Goodrich, said he started improving efficiency at his store about six months ago when Grand Rapids-based Vantaura Energy Services began replacing fluorescent lighting with LEDs, installing night-time shields over produce, meats and other open coolers, and upgrading the refrigeration systems.

“The upgrades will pay for themselves in about 18 to 24 months,” Haines said, adding that his electric bill has been cut by nearly a third from $15,000 to $10,000 a month. “It’s been a very exciting thing to do.”

To read the rest of the story, please go to: The Saginaw News (MI).

Photo by Ashley L. Conti, The Saginaw News