Five years ago, Dominick's President Don Keprta was preparing to leave California for a new job in Illinois when he got the news: He had prostate cancer.
"I had just had my yearly physical, and my PSA level was high. They did a biopsy and it was: 'You have cancer'," said Keprta, who has helmed the grocery chain since 2005.
"You first feel that there's been a mistake, that it's not me that has cancer," said the married Hinsdale resident, who is in his late 50s.
"Once you get through that stage, you start doing the research. I was in early stage cancer, so that was in my favor. Early detection is really the only defense we have against this disease right now," Keprta said at a prostate cancer awareness event held Wednesday.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Chicago Sun-Times.