As Other Gulf States Struggle To Revive Oysters, Louisiana Makes Strides

Louisiana’s oyster fishery is one of the few bright spots in a recent assessment of efforts to restore oyster habitat in the Gulf of Mexico years after the BP oil spill.

Along the Mississippi and Alabama coasts, oyster harvests have plummeted over the past decade, according to a report released Wednesday (Nov. 14) by The Nature Conservancy. Louisiana’s oyster populations were decimated by the 2010 BP oil disaster, but harvests in recent years indicate the fishery has made strides toward recovery.

“The years after the spill, it was chaos for us,” said Ralph Pausina, president of the Louisiana Oyster Dealers and Growers Association. “But now things are getting back to the way they were.”

To read the rest of the story, please go to: The Times-Picayune