Biomar Works With Farmers To Create A Premium Shrimp

BioMar has identified a market opportunity for a premium, sustainable shrimp product. They announced this week in connection with the Global Aquaculture Alliance's annual conference, GOAL, that they will be collaborating with shrimp farmers in Ecuador to bring this sustainable innovative product in to reality.

BioMar's Global Sustainability Director, Vidar Gundersen took part in several discussions during the GOAL conference where he shared his insights on how other species of aquaculture feeds have unlocked new markets and business opportunities around the world. He gave examples of how BioMar in partnership with others in the value chain were able to build sustainable brands within salmon.

"BioMar remains committed to sustainability and the work we started a decade ago. We can take the learnings from other species and apply them to create a truly sustainable shrimp choice for retailers and the end-consumers. We hope to initiate new projects with our customers, which can accelerate the development of high value shrimp products", said Vidar.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: BioMar