Bakery Gets A Bodacious Recognition

The first time she tried making a birthday cake in her Memphis apartment in 1995, it ended in disaster.

The Vietnamese native destroyed her hand mixer when she plugged it into a 110 socket. More accustomed to the metric and Celsius systems, Lieu "Lou" Nguyen then baked the cake way too long. She threw it away and bought one.

After a shaky start, Nguyen (pronounced WIN) has reached the top tiers of cakedom. Just recently, TLC network's "Best Food Ever" show named her shop, Miss Muff'N in Germantown, as No. 8 out of 10 for the nation's "Bodacious Bakeries."

The crew shot video for 10 hours for Nguyen's five minutes of fame on the show that aired last month. While filming in January, the crew turned off the building's thermostat and even unplugged the constant humming refrigerator to avoid picking up any unnecessary noise.

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