Alsum Farms & Produce To Host 2nd Annual Tater Trot 5K On October 27 To Benefit FFA Chapters

Friesland, Wisconsin — Alsum Farms & Produce is inviting runners, walkers and all those who support FFA to join us for the 2nd Annual Tater Trot 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, October 27, 2018 at Alsum Farms & Produce in Friesland, Wis., to benefit Local FFA Chapters.

“Alsum Farms & Produce is excited to host the 2nd annual Tater Trot 5K to help support local FFA Chapters and provide a unique opportunity to learn about the nutritional and economic benefits of Wisconsin Potatoes,” says Alsum’s Nikki Jedlowski, Logistics Manager and Tater Trot 5K Event Coordinator. “Potatoes are a nutrient powerhouse and the Tater Trot 5K promotes the healthy, flavorful and fresh attributes of the spud targeting sports enthusiasts and athletes to fuel performance.” 

Run or walk the scenic rural route nestled within the Amish countryside in Friesland which is the highest point of elevation in Columbia County. Start at Alsum Farms & Produce heading west to Sterk Road and around the potato shed. Come south on Highway EF toward downtown Friesland to Hein Street. Loop around Friesland Park and head back north on Highway EF to the finish line at Alsum. All miles and turns will be marked with water station on route.

To register for the event online, visit: Or print a registration form that can be found at Alsum Farms & Produce website at and mail with payment to: Alsum Farms & Produce, Attn: Nikki Jedlowski, PO Box 188, Friesland, WI 53935.  Register by October 16 to guarantee a T-shirt.

Registration categories include:

• Individuals Ages 12+ ($25)

• Individuals Ages 11 & Under ($15)

• FREE Kids Fun Run

Packet pick up is available on Friday, October 26 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Alsum Farm & Produce.

On Saturday, October 27, registration opens at 8:30 to 9:45 a.m. The Kids Fun Run race around the potato shed will start at 9:55 a.m. and the 5K starts at 10 a.m. Additionally, event highlights will include:

• Free Parking

• Free Kids’ Fun Run

• Strollers welcome

• Alsum Potato samples, fruit and water post-race66

• Farm Fresh Produce & Vendor Market

• Harvest activity stations for kids

• Walk through the Wisconsin Spudmobile – a state-of-the-art mobile education vehicle focused on potato and vegetable production takes visitors on a journey from the farmer’s field to the dinner plate

• Photo Op & Meet “Spudly”

• Top 3 Males & Females awarded in each category

Alsum Farms & Produce is located at N9083 County Hwy EF, Friesland, WI (If using GPS, use Cambria, WI 53923)

For more than four decades, Alsum Farms & Produce has been a leading grower, packer and shipper of locally grown potatoes, onions and provider of fresh, quality produce.

To register for the Alsum Farms & Produce Tater Trot 5K or learn more about Alsum Farms & Produce, its full-line of products or for delicious potato recipes, visit Or register online at

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About Alsum Farms & Produce

Alsum Farms & Produce, Inc., is a grower, packer and shipper of potatoes, re-packer of onions and a wholesale distributor of a full line of fresh fruits and vegetables. Headquartered in Friesland, Wisconsin, Alsum Farms is also a member of the eco-friendly Wisconsin potato Healthy Grown® initiative.

Source: Alsum Farms & Produce