This Iconic Dallas Bakery Still Does Bread The Old Fashioned Way

I’m not a picky eater, but I am tough cookie when it comes to baked goods (pun intended, I’m sorry). I live for the hearty crust of a good baguette, the shattering layers of a perfect croissant, and the buttery crumble of a nice scone. Yet, good bakeries are tragically rare these days – and there’s a simple explanation why.

As Robert Ozarow of Empire Baking Company will tell you, baking bread the old fashioned way is a real pain in the ass. It takes time, it takes skill, it takes patience in spades. But, for this Dallas institution, it’s the only way.

Empire Baking Company was founded in 1992 by husband and wife team Meaders and Robert Ozarow. It’s been serving Dallasites for over 25 years, both with its retail bakery on Lovers Lane and its booming wholesale business. However, throughout three decades of growing from a little bakery to a gluten empire, the company hasn’t changed the way they do things all that much.

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