AIB International: 9 Tips To Help You Decide Which GFSI Certification Scheme Is Best For You

Selecting a certification standard is an important step for any organization. You are choosing the rules the organization will need to comply with and in some ways, the standard will shape the food safety culture of your organization. Many companies change standards after discovering their initial choice was not a good fit for their company, that customer expectations have changed, or that there is a change in their food safety culture.

A thorough decision results in better preparedness, clarity about what is required, and an indication of the steps to follow.

It is important to understand the main components of a GFSI standard as each is different. All GFSI standards have three core components: HACCP, prerequisite programs, and management system requirements. Before selecting the standard that is right for your facility, read and review each option and any supporting information. Consider each of these aspects during your selection process to pick a scheme that best meets your needs.

1. Customer Requirements

Discuss your main customers’ needs and expectations. Your main customers may have good insights and be able to share their implementation experience and pitfalls in the process. Depending on who your main customers are, there could be specific needs and expectations.

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