In March, when the New York Times ran an article celebrating Los Angeles’ arrival to the artisan bread scene, it focused largely on male bakers.
While the reporting included baker Roxana Jullapat and flour miller Nan Kohler, it reflected the media’s habit of treating men in the industry like rock stars and overlooking women doing similar work. This lopsided approach to story telling has become standard as artisan baking has grown hip and regional grain systems have developed over the last decade. But there are plenty of women at the forefront of the movement re-imagining grains, flour, and bread.
A Flavorful Conversation
Just one week after the Times article ran, a group of women gathered for a panel discussion in L.A. that had been planned for months, but also functioned as a kind of response to the story. “Bread Winners: A Conversation with Women in Bread” was organized by the California Grain Campaign to salute the work of women during Women’s History Month.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Civil Eats