Since AIB was founded in 1919, our commitment has been to put technology to work for the food industry. We doubt that our founders had any idea that their commitment would lead to something called a "website redesign" nearly 100 years later!
However, that was our commitment as we worked throughout 2017 to develop a website that would work for the modern food industry.
- Chat Support – Don't have time to get on the phone? Our service team is ready to support you through our new chat feature!
- Global Presence – We have different regional websites, so you can see exactly what services are offered where you are.
- Clear Organization – Our learning opportunities can be browsed by subject matter or delivery method. Want to see all online courses? You got it!
We hope you like the new look as much as we do.
The site launched this week and our developers are working to make sure everything's up and running smoothly. In the meantime, if you notice any bugs, please let us know!
Thank you for being a valued AIB client. We can't wait to see where technology and the food industry takes AIB in the next 100 years!
Source: AIB International