LAS VEGAS (May 12, 2010) – Ron Hodge, CEO of Delhaize America Operations, accepted the Network of Executive Women’s Outstanding Champion Award at a reception in the company’s honor during FMI 2010 here. More than 100 food industry executives, including two dozen representatives from Delhaize America, watched Hodge receive the award, which recognizes diversity leadership in the consumer products and retail industry.
“I can’t say enough about the importance of NEW,” Hodge said, after receiving the award from NEW President Alison Kenney Paul, a principal at Deloitte. “We are doing the right thing for our business by supporting women – I think it gives us a competitive advantage.”
“Delhaize America invests in its associates and makes advancement and training a core corporate value,” Paul said. “They not only believe in diversity, integrity, embracing differences and a strong work ethic — they act on these values.” Five members of the Delhaize America’s executive committee are women and three of them serve as banner presidents, Paul noted.
Cathy Green, president of the Food Lion Family, is a Network board member and one of Delhaize America’s many active NEW supporters. Delhaize America executives have helped organize regional Network groups in the Carolinas, Florida and New England, and have spoken at numerous Network events. Hodge noted that he participated in a panel discussion recently at a Network event outside Boston. “The panel was called ‘Let’s Hear It from the Guys,’ and we [male executives] were able to give advice to a large group of women in our business.”
This is the first time NEW has recognized an entire company with its Outstanding Champion award. Past winners of the award include SuperValu CEO Jeff Noddle and Jamba Juice CEO James White, formerly of Safeway.
The Network of Executive Women is the consumer products and retail industry’s largest diversity organization, with more than 2,700 members representing 400 companies and 63 national sponsors.
Delhaize America is a member of the Brussels-based Delhaize Group and one of the largest supermarket chains in the United States. The company operates under the names of Food Lion, Bloom, Bottom Dollar, Hannaford Brothers, Harveys, Reid’s and Sweetbay.
Source: Delhaize America