Maybe you can toss together a cheese plate in ten minutes and give a lecture series about the true definition of fresh cheese, but I'm here today to tell you that you don't know all there is to know about cheese. If I were to ask you what Brie Noir is, for example, you would probably be stumped unless you happen to live in the specific region of France where Brie's mysterious older cousin is typically found.
Yes, you read that right. Brie — the soft white cheese used to class up dinner parties across the world — has a not-so-distant older relative. A culinary black sheep, if you will. I'm just saying, if types of cheese were soap opera characters, Brie Noir would be the prodigal son who just returned from a stint as a member of a biker gang.
In the event that florid anthropomorphizations don't give you a proper idea of what to expect from this type of cheese, here's the rundown on Brie Noir.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Bustle