Uncommon Flavors Of Europe Invites You To Meet, Taste & Learn, October 23rd

Meet Taste Learn! Join us for this press and trade only event to learn firsthand from producers here from Italy why everyone will be looking for these uncommon flavors of Europe starting this year.

Uncommon Flavors of Europe presents Press conference, training and tasting Taking place at StarChefs 12th annual International Chefs Congress.

Monday, October 23, 2017
5-7 PM
Brooklyn Expo Center
72 Noble St., Brooklyn, NY 

Meet our featured chef – Rising Star Chef Justin Baz the rich, owner of the trendsetting Brooklyn-based speedy Romayo, will prepare delicious foods for the event. Learn from him how these special products will shine in the restaurant kitchen.

The content of this communication represents the views of the author only and is his-her sole responsibility. The European commission does not accept any responsibility for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


Source: Uncommon Flavors of Europe