Color, Fragrance, Digital & Demo: Essentials For The Florist At World Of Flowers

During the World of Flowers 2017 at IFTF in Vijfhuizen (8-10 November 2017, the Netherlands) various workshops and presentations will be given for the visitor. What’s the secret value of colour? How do you (subconsciously) tempt the customer by cleverly using fragrance? How can you ensure you are a winner in the digital future? And as an extra highlight: a floral demonstration by Sören van Laer, the number 9 of the Florint Europa Cup in Genoa in 2016!

The Program

Michael Bourguignon kicks off on Wednesday afternoon with the thought-provoking workshop “How not to be the 8/10 closures of digital e-commerce”, in which he will talk – from his own vast experience as a bespoke florist in Madrid – about digital opportunities and failures. Many great tips included!

Afterwards, Mignon Kievit will explain all about the impact of colours throughout the years and the effective use of colour in her work as a designer and stylist. Two important topics, so both will be in the program on Thursday as well. Furthermore Peter Hampel, “der Duftnase”, will let the participants undergo a unique experience with fragrances: so important to the florist trade!


Thursday afternoon Belgian master florist Sören Van Laer will give a demonstration of about 1.5 hours, followed by the award ceremony of the Wim Hazelaar trophy for excellence in floral art. Despite the fact that this talented freelance floral artist is only 25 years old, he can be seen as highly experienced. In 2016 he represented Belgium during the Europa Cup European FLorist Championship in Genoa (organised by International Florist Organisation FLORINT) with surprising and refreshing work. This month he is also competing in Eurofleurs 2017 – the European Championship for Young Florists competition in St. Truiden in Belgium.

Get Your Tickets

Tickets for the interesting workshops at World of Flowers can be ordered via for €20 (excl. VAT), or via the Facebook page of Green Team Consultancy+.

Source: Florint