CALF Announces Creation Of The Stewart & Lynda Resnick Wonderful Legacy Fund 

SALINAS – The California Agricultural Leadership Foundation (CALF) heralded the receipt of a pledge from Stewart and Lynda Resnick, co-owners of The Wonderful Company, in the amount of $2.5 million for the creation of an endowment fund to benefit its renowned Ag Leadership Program.  Chairman of the CALF Board of Directors, Jeff Elder, revealed that the pledge, which will be paid over five years, will result in the formation of the Stewart and Lynda Resnick Wonderful Legacy Fund. The fund is patterned after the existing JG Boswell II Legacy Fund and the Franklin Otis Booth Legacy Fund which have meant so much to leadership development within the agriculture industry.

“On behalf of the Foundation and its Board of Directors, we are immensely grateful for the extraordinary generosity shown by Mr. and Mrs. Resnick and their continued recognition of the value of our Ag Leadership Program. The creation of this endowment fund will not only bring us materially closer to our goal of $25 million in endowments, it will have a tremendous positive impact for all of California agriculture and help perpetuate the work of growing leaders who make a difference”, stated Elder.

Stewart Resnick explained, “While there are so many worthy causes, most of our philanthropic work surrounds the education, community development, and health and wellness programs we’ve implemented across California’s Central Valley. However, a number of our key employees have benefitted tremendously from the CALF curriculum and program so, Lynda and I are proud to support and be associated with Ag Leadership whose mission and vision are vital to the prosperous future of California agriculture.”

CALF is currently in the process of interviewing individuals from throughout the state for Class 48. The first assemblage was seated almost fifty years ago in 1970. A number of outstanding individuals associated with The Wonderful Company have graduated from the program and those graduates represent one of the prime reasons why the Resnicks and The Wonderful Company decided to confirm their exceptional support.

About CALF: Ag Leadership is considered to be one of the premier leadership development programs in the United States. Since it was first conceived, more than 1,300 men and women have participated in Ag Leadership and have become influential leaders and active volunteers in the agriculture industry and other areas. The Foundation’s mission is “we grow leaders who make a difference” and their vision is to have “California agricultural leaders united as a catalyst for a vibrant industry”.

Source: The California Agricultural Leadership Foundation (CALF)