Case Study Highlights From Kroger’s Chef Jr. Program Featured At Marketing To Gen Z Conference

NEW YORK, NY – Using highlights from Kroger’s highly successful Chef Jr. campaign, designed to cultivate brand loyalty with Generation Z consumers, Amy Henry, SVP, Strottman International. will show marketing execs at the Marketing to Gen Z Conference, July 18, NYC, how to improve their marketing to this new youth cohort. Henry said, “We’ll share what made this program not only a worthy endeavor for kids, but also worked to differentiate the Kroger brand from their increasingly stiff competition.”

“While brand loyalty can be cultivated in many ways, Kroger, the country’s largest supermarket chain, recognized that creating a compelling cooking experience for kids could create brand loyalty right now, and brand fans for the future,” Henry explained. “In this case study, we’ll show how Strottman built the Chef Jr. program, designed to empower kids to execute a recipe in a Kroger locale, based on insights about what makes brand experiences truly matter to kids and families.”

According to Nan McCann, conference producer, “This session will show marketers how to use research and creative to strategically build an exceptionally effective, wide ranging promotion. It’s a great example of why marketers attend the Marketing to Gen Z Conference. Consumer marketers in every category realize it’s critical to get up to speed on the largest, most powerful consumer generation ever. Early registrations already include companies as diverse as Merial, CBS, Nestle, Cineplex, KAO and Mars Inc. “

McCann added, “Generation Z represents a massive new reality for consumer marketers in every category. For example, Gen Z currently spends $44 billion annually, they influence another $600 billion in annual family spending, and they’ll be 40% of US consumers by 2020.” The conference is sponsored by Google, Ketchum, Sensis, ThinkNow Research, Strottman and Insight to Action.

For the full conference schedule, Generation Z marketing statistics and complete conference information visit: or call 860.724.2649 x13. The Marketing to Generation Z Conference is produced by PME® Enterprises LLC, 912 Silas Deane Highway, Suite 101, Wethersfield, CT 06109. PME® is a sales and marketing agency with a special emphasis on events.

Source: PME Enterprises, LLC