Sierra Nevada Cheese Co. Announces 'Graziers' – Certified Grass-Fed Dairy Products

Willows, CA — Ben Gregersen and the University of California Cooperative extension worked together over 10 years ago studying the health benefits of butter from Grass-Fed Cows. Grass fed dairy products are up to four times higher and a great source of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA’s), Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamins and Minerals. CLA’s are the healthy type of fat that may protect the body from cancer formation and progression. Omega 3 fatty acids are an essential fatty acid needed by our bodies and have been shown to increase heart health and reduce tryglycerides.

Graziers farms use a rotational grazing program, allowing the cows to eat fresh grass on pasture, year-round. The certification we have formed for our Certified Graziers program exceeds Organic Standards on many levels. Our certified Graziers are third party certified to meet rigorous management standards and practice a fresh rotational grazing system.

One of the dairies studied is Alderson Dairy, owned by Mark Alderson. Sierra Nevada Cheese Co. continues to work closely with Mike Alderson and buys all his milk production. Mark is a 3rd generation dairy farmer and raises his cows the same why his grandfather did. Mark’s son Ben runs a grazing dairy across the street from Mark. Their dairies are located in Gerber, CA about 40 minutes from our creamery. The father and son have a mixture of Holstein and Jerseys. With most of them being crosses. Together they milk 200 cows.

Creek Dairy- Steve Creek runs his grazing dairy all by himself. His family began the dairy he operates today back in 1927.  He has around 70 Ayrshire cows. Steve has selected Ayrshire’s because they are a smaller breed that fit into his milking parlor comfortably, they are more efficient grazers, and have fewer calving issues. The Creek Dairy is located in Orland, approximately 15 minutes from the Sierra Nevada Creamery.

Sierra Nevada Cheeses made with Pasture Raised cows are as follows:

Graziers RAW Milk Monterey Jack 12/ 8 oz & 5lb., Graziers RAW Milk Jalapeno Jack 12/ 8 oz & 5lb., Graziers RAW Milk White Cheddar Medium 12/ 8 oz & 5lb., Graziers RAW Milk White Cheddar Sharp 12/ 8 oz & 5lb., Graziers Vat Cultured European-Style Butter Salted 12/8oz, Graziers Vat Cultured European-Style Butter Unsalted 12/8oz. The products can be found in many natural foods grocers, specialty stores and conventional grocers.

About Sierra Nevada Cheese Company-

Sierra Nevada Cheese Company was founded by Ben Gregersen and John Dundon. Ben’s family roots run deep in the Dairy Industry; his parents emigrated from Denmark as third generation dairy farmers and began a creamery once arriving to the United States. John’s experience in dairy started early while working at a family creamery in Mt. Shasta. He eventually worked for Ben’s family at Foothill Home Dairy in Sacramento. Ben and John became friends with a shared passion for specialty products. In 1997, the two bean Sierra Nevada Cheese Company built on the idea of using traditional manufacturing processes to create wholesome dairy product with old fashioned flavor.

Source: Sierra Nevada Cheese Company