Jack Dillard: It's Good News That China Will Import American Beef

Enthusiasm for the U.S. Beef Business comes in the form of an announcement that China would now import from the USA quality cuts of American beef soon. Knowing the cattle business needs all of the positive inputs available, this is big news.

The Chinese enjoy our quality cuts of beef and in recent times, the American Beef business can use another customer. China is believed to be at least a $2.5 billion dollar market. America lost the market due to this mad-cow scare (never materialized) 13 years ago. For a big improvement in a market something must be given (Washington D.C. just don’t understand trading).

My generation learned how to trade first at school recess time, then to obtain something you desired that another person had, find what they wanted and “swap and trade,” that way both those in the trade would be happy. For the beef trade to happen, China will now be able to import into the U.S. (cooked or processed chicken). China banned the importing into the nation, chicken in 2015, due to the avian flu outbreak in the mid-west. The control of diseases can better be handled with cooked products than with raw.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: The Times