Anthura Joins FSI

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the floricultural industry. Corporate social responsibility and respect for our fellow human beings and the environment could well become our ‘license to produce’ in the future. That’s why Anthura has decided to join the Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI).

FSI membership

As experts in orchid and Anthurium cultivation and production, we are an innovative organization that focuses not only on continuous improvement of product quality and the development of an extensive range of plant varieties, but also on sustainable products and production processes. More than a year ago we were awarded the MPS GAP certificate for our Anthurium production site in Bleiswijk. Our FSI membership is the logical next step.

Floriculture Sustainability Initiative

We will join forces with the FSI to help improve the sustainability of our industry and to create a level playing field for growers, distributors and retailers. The FSI connects international leaders in the floricultural supply chain, including supply chain partners like Waterdrinker, Royal Lemkes Group, Ahold/Delhaize, WWF, and IKEA.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Anthura B.V.