PMA Events To Host Competitive Edge Discussion

Newark, Del. — Produce industry members in Mexico and Central America have a close-to-home opportunity to explore and apply pertinent global trends and issues affecting the competitiveness of their business. Decision makers from the entire supply chain will come together as Produce Marketing Association (PMA) brings Fresh Connections events to Mexico in May and Central America in June.

“Each of these Fresh Connections events is one of the few in the region to unite industry leaders from the entire chain at a local level,” said PMA President & CEO Bryan Silbermann. “It is so important to us to be able to interact with our members in their own backyards. We continue to see the value of our Fresh Connections events grow, and each event offers greater benefits to participants.”

This year’s Fresh Connections Mexico event on May 20, 2010, in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, is an informative, interactive event addressing critical information on current sales and marketing practices and business models of interest to produce leaders across the supply chain in Mexico. Attendees will gain knowledge on the latest sales and marketing tools and techniques used in the U.S. and how they may improve their business, as well as how they can use key marketing information to develop targeted offerings to retail customers. Participants can maximize relationship and business-building opportunities through networking, and there will be a chance to dialogue with and learn from retailers.

Fresh Connections Central America on June 1, 2010, in Antigua, Guatemala, will explore the international economic climate and the repercussions for the global produce industry, with a particular focus on the Central American supply chain. The event will provide attendees with a critical analysis of the impact on the retail and export sectors, as well as in-depth insight into emerging consumer and industry trends. “More importantly, Fresh Connections Central America will go beyond analysis to offer fresh perspective and ideas for concrete and successful solutions,” said Silbermann. “It is a chance for participants to gain information on the latest trends and apply it to their business and their customers.”

Networking is a key component of Fresh Connections events and each event presents effective ways to connect with key industry executives and fortify relationships with current clients. Both events also offer a chance for the local industry to find out how PMA can be a resource for them and what PMA is currently doing for its local members. Additionally, the events offer an opportunity for PMA to hear more directly from its members in each of these regions.

“In our increasingly competitive business environment, we need easy access to accurate information that will help us thrive,” said Alejandro Larreategui, PMA Mexico representative. “Our goal with these events is to give our local members that extra advantage they’re looking for and better prepare them to do business on a global level. We look forward to the interaction provided by each of these opportunities.”

PMA is now accepting early registrations for both events; on-site registration will also be available.

Source: PMA