Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers Merchandising Program Now Ready

LEAMINGTON, ON – In the spring of 2016 Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers (OGVG) announced its plans to design a Retail Educational Merchandising Program for the U.S. market. The program has been developed and is now ready to be shared with interested produce retailers in the Southeastern U.S.

The goals of this project are to share best-in-class merchandising practices, develop and strengthen supply chain relationships, and ultimately increase Ontario greenhouse vegetable sales in the U.S. marketplace.  The presentation is heavily focused on visual merchandising techniques designed to attract consumer attention in the produce section.

OGVG is supported in this work through the Growing Forward 2 initiative. General Manager, Rick Seguin notes that “OGVG is pleased to have the support of both the federal and provincial governments with this very important program. Retail demands for information and education has grown and OGVG is committed to the implementation of an educational program for the American marketplace.”

Interested produce retailers are invited to contact Jacquie Trombley, at the OGVG office at 519-326-2604 or 1-800-265-6926 or email: jtrombley@ogvg.com

About OGVG

Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers (OGVG) is a not-for-profit organization, formed in 1967, representing approximately 200 members who grow greenhouse tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers on over 2,800 acres in Ontario, Canada.

Source: Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers (OGVG)