The United States Will Be The Primary Destination Of Ecuador's Roses

It is expected that the US will be the main export market for flowers for Valentine’s Day 2017, as it has historically happened. Cuttings will start on Sunday, January 22, according to Expoflores, especially of flowers, which will be sent to different destinations in the world and marketed until February 14. Although the guild will know the figures for sales projections and placement in markets on Tuesday, through talks with the managers of the farms, it has been determined that Valentine´s season will be similar to that of 2016.

Between January 27 and February 10, 2016, 11,752 tons of flowers were exported. The US market captured the 59% of the total, followed by the European Union (EU) with a 38.6% (this market did not grow in exports compared to 2015). This reality is observed in the same exporting companies such as Qualisa, which has two farms located in Cayambe, in the north of Pichincha, and which exports flowers in more than 50 markets around the world. For the Day of Love, the company will ship 50% of its offer to the US, 30% to Europe and the rest to other countries.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Ecuador TImes