The first cut of the 2017 Mexican mango season will happen sometime around mid January, but the US market won’t get their hands on any until mid February, mainly due to light initial volumes, a strong local market and packhouses yet to be opened. This is all good news and good timing for Crespo Organic Mexican Mangoes.
The projected “normalcy” to the season that Crespo Organic reported back in late November 2016, continues to unfold as predicted. Early bloomage and cooperating weather have given way to ample fruit formation in the early regions. As a New Year begins and the 2017 Crespo Organic Mexican Mango revs up, Crespo Organic predicts and expects good results for Mexico’s southern regions Oaxaca and Chiapas. Some possible market pressures can be foreseen on the organic side February and early March, due to Peru’s (predicted) as well as light, season ending. Crespo Organic fruit volumes should build fast, supporting customer pipelines through the transition period and priming markets for volumes of promotable fruit come April May.
The Crespo Organic southern program consists of approximately 200 hectares of certified organic fruit from our partners in the Mexican states of Oaxaca and Chiapas. 60% of those are Tommy Atkins and the other 40% are Ataulfos. Another record-breaking year of sales is expected Crespo Organic Ataulfos with ample promotable supplies anticipated for the majority our 2017 season as Ataulfos continue as the fastest growing mango varietal among consumers in the US.
The southern pack house is slated to open in early February. Organic Ataulfos will begin shipping in mid February, with lighter initial volumes, which will level out by mid March. Organic Tommy Atkins will follow in mid March. We expect to build fast with April and May promotions looking rather sweet. (Read more about the Crespo Organic Mexican mango onset season at Under The Mango Tree.)
The Crespo team has working diligently prepping for this upcoming season; in the or- chards, the pack house, the sales trail and in in the Crespo Organic Kitchen, an incredible season has been planned. The Crespo team will continue to unveil a full spectrum of consumer driven campaigns, and marketing season evolves. Look for a new consumer driven website launch late February 2017, it’s going to be HUGE!
And make our Mango Jam!
Source: Crespo Organic Mexican Mangoes