Ralph’s Packing Co. Co-Owner Appointed To Food & Agricultural Products Center Advisory Board

A specialty meat-processing expert is the newest member of Oklahoma State University’s Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center advisory board.

Appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Oklahoma Senate, Erica Hering, co-owner and corporate fiscal officer of Ralph’s Packing Co., joins the 16-member Industry Advisory Committee to help oversee the center’s mission and vision.

“I’m very honored and excited to be appointed to the IAC,” Hering said. “FAPC has such a strong and prominent reputation in Oklahoma and nationwide, and I feel the IAC has been a primary influence on the direction of FAPC over the years. There are many changes and challenges coming to our industry, and I’m very excited to be a part of such a diverse and knowledgeable committee, which will help guide FAPC through these changes.”

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