Cracking Open Some Myths About Eggs

Ah April! For many of us, the month brings memories of dyeing eggs and Easter
egg hunts. This year, many of the eggs being dyed across the Treasure State come
from the most productive chickens in the country. According to US Department of
Agriculture (USDA) 2009 data, Montana led the nation in average number of eggs
produced per layer at 305, 14 percent above the national average of 268 eggs per

With all the interest in local foods, its good to know that our chickens are
so productive, says Lynn Paul, PhD, RD (registered dietitian), Food and
Nutrition Specialist with MSU Extension in Bozeman. Enjoying a few more eggs
from a local producer may be a good thing for the health of Montana families.
Sadly, a few long-held nutrition myths have kept many folks from enjoying the
benefits of versatile, nutrient-rich eggs.

For forty years, eggs have been burdened with a bad reputation based on
cholesterol. While one yolk does contain 210 milligrams of dietary cholesterol,
eggs do not raise the blood cholesterol levels of most people. Large studies
from several countries have found no link between egg consumption and heart
disease or stroke. Some egg nutrients, like B-vitamins, may even promote heart
health. Current guidelines suggest that healthy people can eat one to two eggs
daily, if they keep their fat and saturated fat intake at moderate levels. If
cholesterol must be limited, two egg whites can be substituted for one whole egg
in most recipes.

According to Dr. Paul, eggs provide nutrition that is important for good health
at all ages, from pregnancy through old age. Eggs are an excellent source of
choline, which is critical for fetal brain development and helps prevent birth
defects. They also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, two nutrients that help reduce
the risk of both cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Additionally,
eggs are an inexpensive source of high quality protein, which helps promote
healthy weights and strong muscles for everybody.
There are some other egg myths that deserve to get cracked, adds Dr. Paul. Here
are a few egg-related facts that are important whether you get your eggs from
the backyard, grocery store, or local farmers market:

  • Brown eggs are not more nutritious than white eggs. Different breeds of
    chickens lay different colored eggs; some are even blue and green. The yellow
    color of egg yolks varies with what chickens eat.
  • Organic eggs do not have more nutrients than conventionally produced eggs.
    However, some people prefer to support organic and free-range production
    techniques on large farms and in small backyards.
  • Designer eggs rarely provide enough extra nutrients to be worth their
    extra cost. Eggs that claim to be rich in omega-3s, for example, contain only
    a small amount compared to fatty fish, such as salmon.

Eggs are one of the quickest and least expensive protein foods to prepare at
home, notes Paul. They can be fried, scrambled, boiled, poached, and baked.
Simple omelets and open-faced frittatas are also deliciously easy ways to
combine Montana-made low-fat cheeses, herbs, vegetables, and lean proteins with

5 Smart Reasons to Enjoy Eggs Morning, Noon, or Night

For the past 40 years, many Americans have avoided eggs due to worries about
their cholesterol content. Its time to revisit the benefits of eggs and crack a
few myths about eggs and cholesterol. As recent research has shown, there is a
very sunny side to eggs – an inexpensive, nutrient-rich way to start or finish
your day!

Healthy hearts

Many large studies from around the world have confirmed that eating eggs does
not raise the risk of heart disease in most people. Some of the nutrients in
eggs, such as B-vitamins, are actually beneficial for heart health. The bigger
concern is all the foods that typically surround eggs, like large portions of
bacon, sausage, biscuits, and gravy.

Healthy weights

An egg contains only 70 calories and has 6 grams of high quality protein that
can help you feel fuller and satisfied longer. People who eat eggs in the
morning tend to feel fuller and to eat less at lunch those who breakfast on
muffins or bagels. Hard-boiled eggs make a satisfying and nutritious snack –
mid-morning or mid-afternoon.

Healthy muscles

Egg protein can also help active adults build muscle strength and prevent muscle
loss in older adults. Theres no need for those expensive protein powders or
drinks. Simple scrambled or poached eggs make a quick, easy, and very tasty meal
for older folks or busy families. Low in cost and easy to chew, eggs are popular
with people of all ages.

Healthy eyes

Heres another reason to think eggs as we age. Egg yolks are a source of lutein
and zeaxanthin, nutrients that help keep eyes healthy and vision sharp. Both
nutrients have been linked to a lower risk of cataracts and age-related macular
degeneration. Lutein and zeaxanthin seem to be more easily absorbed from eggs
than other foods or pills.

Healthy pregnancies

Egg nutrients may also be helpful very early in life. Egg yolks are also an
excellent source of choline, an essential nutrient that contributes to fetal
brain development and helps prevent birth defects. Two eggs provide about 250
milligrams of choline, or about half of the recommended daily choline intake for
pregnant and breastfeeding women.


Montana Department Of Health & Human Services