2016 Wheat Harvest 'Considerably Better Than Most'

The heat is rising and the combines are rolling across Kansas. Harvest is starting to climb up the western region of the state. Praise continues to mount for the yields, test weights and condition of the wheat.

Steve Binder, a farmer near Hays, said that most farmers in the area would be done in about five days. Binder said that this year’s harvest is “considerably better than most.” Yields are ranging around 40-45 bushels an acre on continuous acres and 60-65 bushels an acre on summer fallow. Test weights are hovering around 59 pounds per bushel and moisture is ranging from around 9-10 percent. Binder said that T-151 has performed well for the farm this year.

Rick Wolting, manager of the Farmway Coop in Lincoln reported seeing yields all over the board ranging from 40-80 bushels an acre. Trucks began hauling wheat into the location last week and Wolting estimates that the area isn’t quite half done.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Kansas Wheat Harvest Report